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27 July 2010



I suppose Robina Niaz and her organization must be commended for their relief work. But to the extent that it is (yet another) instance of only relief work, it can only provide band-aid solutions to what is a ubiquitous crisis- namely the failure everywhere in the (Muslim and non-Muslim) world of the institution of heterosexual monogamous marriage. And such band-aid solutions will eventually only exacerbate domestic violence and suffering by rescuing and reinforcing the dominant model of marriage in the world today.
As Ruth Vanita observes, Muslim societies contain traditions with which to break with this failed model of marriage and conjugality because they recognize polygamy. All that remains to be done is to universalize the custom of khula, include polyandry and generally ensure that all the partners in a marriage have legal equality. This will make Sharia provisions on marriage among the most progressive in the world, co-opt the theoretical and political sophistication of the best Feminist and Queer activism and radically modify marriage so that women's organizations like Turning Point won't just be rescuing wives and children from husbands and fathers but enabling them all to enter into (and leave as they please) kinder and richer marriages.

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