So a whole bunch of newspapers, including the New York Times, agreed to bundle the DVD "Obsession" -- it a hate film, propagandistic anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim nonsense, which makes a joke out of the Nazi threat (equating Hamas with Nazis is, practically speaking, anti-Semitic, insofar as it pretends the Nazis were simply a glorified militia ruling a riven statelet and not commanders one of the world's most sophisticated and capable armed forces) and makes a mockery of any pretense to balanced journalism, filled with ominous music and ridiculous racism -- and so very few people find this weird, even disturbing. How did the Holocaust happen? Through media, first and foremost; dehumanize in order to decontaminate... but one newspaper stood up. So far. Not that we are anywhere near that level of violence, at all, but it must be said that the process is historically known and is therefore quite worrying: What have we learned? 28 million copies, to make Americans hate all Muslims, to make them vote for McCain, to destigmatize hate speech and promote vitriolic, spiteful, disgusting rhetoric. And this is cool with the New York Times?